TypoThursday × Novo Font by Pestrographique

Novo is a font designed by Filip Matejicek, the man behind Pestrographique, for a Czech furniture store Nanovo specializing in 60s, 70s and 80s era. It is a geo­met­ri­cally shaped text type­face with a fresh and modern feel. Inspired by the iconic tubular metal furniture of the Bauhaus period.

Pestrographique is a one-man Graphic Design studio from Prague, Czech Republic. The 29-year old talent has a signature contemporary style of combining monochromatic coloring and daring layouts. Some of his best work can be seen in his typographic pieces such as the Novo font.

Filip Matejicek was responsible for creating the visual look for Prague-based Nanovo, a shop specializing in furniture, accessories and other items particularly of Czech origin, from the later part of the 20th century. The cornerstone of the identity is the Novo font which is based on the forms and shapes typical for that time. The round, tubular letters with strong classic forms are great references to the Modernist designers of the Bauhaus era. The typeface is a perfect match for the retro furniture shop, and we can only dream of visiting it one day. In the meantime, you can marvel at Pestrographique’s latest work on the website, and keep up-to-date with them on facebook.

The great thing is, the type supports several different languages: (Latin), Albanian, English, Basque, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Dutch, Croatian, Irish, Hungarian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. And you can order your own sample and a poster. here

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Photos © Pestro Graphique 

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