Snazziest Salt Packaging Designs From Around The World

As in any successful consumer or commodity product packaging and branding concept, it’s the balance of clear communication and grabbing the attention of the buyer that wins the race. In a saturated market, where shelf space is limited, a brand needs to catch the eye of the target audience and stand out on the shelf among other competing products. And after succeeding in this, it’s down to simply and easily communicating what the product is, how to use it, what benefits it offers to the consumer, and of course the actual functionality of the packaging itself. Brand recognition and emotional appeal are known to be key factors in consumer decisions, while sustainability and brand values have recently grown in importance as well. 

These are the main principles in creating successful and desirable branding and packaging, and a common commodity such as salt is no different. Salt has been used by humans for multiple purposed throughout our history, from preservation to medicinal purposes, and was even the motivation behind some of our earliest trade routes, in which essential salt was transported to regions that lacked it. It’s become an indispensable product of our daily life.

Creative, inspiring, and attention-grabbing salt packaging designs from around the world

When researching for the snazziest salt packaging designs out there, I noticed some common features many salt packaging design concepts share. Salt packaging designs usually feature simple and clear graphics and typography that quickly convey the product’s information to the consumer, it’s straightforward and sometimes even utilitarian. The packaging often needs to include practical information such as weight, ingredients, nutritional values, and usage instructions, while most salt packagings come in rectangular or square shapes, making stacking packages easier for storage. But just like any other product, salt brands use unique and recognizable branding elements such as logos, colors, and typography to stand out from their competitors, with the common emphasis being on purity, clarity, or exclusivity.

Below you can see some of the coolest and snazziest salt packaging designs we found, and for more inspiration, read our previous articles 50 Creatively Original Olive Oil Packaging Designs From Around The World and Best 50 Top-Shelf Worthy Wine Label & Packaging Designs That Set Themselves Apart.

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