DAC – Designers Against Coronavirus is a self-initiated project by Milan-based creative agency Carosello Lab, founded at the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 to inspire and unite people through beauty and creativity. The project began as a digital archive, built to present the pandemic through the eyes of the best designers and illustrators from around the world. Now, over two years since the founding of the project, and the beginning of the worldwide crisis, the DAC archive has been made into a book, and more importantly, it continues to raise funds to support the Italian Red Cross – still committed to fighting the battle against the virus.

To counter the fear and distrust spread by the virus, DAC inspires and unites people through beauty and creativity – and now the book acts as a physical testimony of a project that can last over time
Since its beginning, the DAC project caught on like wildfire. Originally designed, implemented, and launched only a few days after the pandemic hit and the whole CaroselloLab studio team began working in quarantine, and within two weeks, more than 2,000 proposals had been sent in by creatives around the world. A digital archive was curated that presents more than 350 works from 44 different countries. These include illustrators and designers of the caliber of Malika Favre, M / M Paris, Gio Pastori, Anagrama Studio, Akatre, and many others.
Carosello Lab decided to transform the digital archive into a book, to leave a physical testimony of a project that can last over time while continuing to support the Italian Red Cross.
Carosello Lab decided to transform the digital archive into a book, to leave a physical testimony of a project that can last over time while continuing to support the Italian Red Cross. The book contains 272 artworks, 17 interviews with internationally renowned designers and illustrators, two short introductory essays, and an encouraging message from the President of the Italian Red Cross, Francesco Rocca. The publication acts as a visual journey that tells the tale of the never-before-seen global health and economic crisis, we’re only now slowly starting to recover from – while some are still fighting the good fight. Carosello Lab collaborated with many partners who helped make the book a reality.
Carosello Lab wishes to dedicate this book to all the people who are fighting Covid-19 on the front lines. You can join and support the good cause by purchasing your own copy at the Italian Red Cross Onlineshop, where the entire proceeds of the purchase will be donated in a direct and transparent manner. You can also support the project by following the DAC on Instagram.