The three different innovative flavors are wrapped in unique patterns visualizing the taste of the beer on the package, making it easier for the customer to recognize it while being trendy and desirable. The Coca leaves & others flavor is a highly fermented white beer with a moderate aroma, colour, and flavor of coca leaf and hops, while the Ale pepper has the aroma of roasted peppercorn, fruits, caramel, and toffee, along with some orange peels, and the Ginger Porter was brewed with fresh ginger root. Each unique flavor, each unique packaging design. And if you weren’t impressed enough yet – the pattern as well as the logo both light up in the dark! (scroll down to see!)

Haudegen Beer Branding by Constantin Bolimond
Minsk based designer Constantin Bolimond is the creative mind behind Haudagen Beers refreshing and fun packaging concept that incorporates typography, pattern design and innovative printing methods in an eye-catching way. Inspired by the ancient traditions of brewing and uncontrolled modern day club parties, Bolimond’s design combines the two worlds in a stylish, elegant, contemporary aesthetic.