Selected works by Aleksandar Savić

04641f40119795.5772ec730b0bbCover illustration for Austrian bike magazine Drahtesel. The cover story title was “Made in Austria”b898f441466863.57a78ee7690c4

Illustration for an article about different wine flavours, in Rondo Digital magazine. Art Director: Magdalena Rawicka

2f98d533911252.56bc97f67c459 4f1fc133911252.56bc97f67fe61Feature opener illustration and portraits of people working on big infrastructure project around the world for Modus magazine.

88b0d741466863.57a78ee76a174Umami (G)astronaut poster created as a part of visual direction change in Umami, chain of restaurants based in Zagreb (Croatia). The illustration is a part of a promo poster series which explores different tastes and flavours in visual manner.24d58542110529.57c453ec7a0d9Cover illustration for Dossier, Hemispheres’ (United Airlines inflight magazine) Economic-Development series.

f8865736518153.571f79328d2f0Illustration for Canadian Business magazine’s feature “Canada’s Hottest Jobs”. 1129cf29823639.560550c0f2792 92bd6229823639.560550c0ec672Cover and set of spot Illustrations (with map and timeline design) for the second issue of magazine Elementi, bimonthly publication by the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade. Issue’s cover story was about how neolithic hunter-gatherers invented agriculture.

e1373b40120037.5772eedbc4fe4Illustration for the article about Arabic homebuyers in Zell am See and portrait for the interview with psychologist Uwe Linke. 9a954342275687.57c71cf4d8e265c138a42275687.57c71cf4d60ca99446542275687.57c71cf4d8401Commissioned illustration for the sustainability report for Telekom Austria titled “Moving forward. Step by Step”.

Aleksandar Savić is an illustrator and infographic designer based in Belgrade, Serbia. Working for a multitude of international clients, ranging from multi-national corporations to local publications, Savić’s recognisable style is always refined and clean, with a very good eye on color and composition. Savić’s style transcends industries – always providing a playful approach to whichever project he undertakes. His finished work is full of detail and have a collage-like feel with numerous textures and patterns, combining characters, sceneries and topics into one large medley of life and action. Represented by Agent Azur for German speaking area and MP Arts for the rest of the world, a demand for Savić’s work comes as no surprise. A skill for illustrating expansive concepts and ambiguous themes with a confident style and a tongue-in-cheek attitude is one to gather attention – and clients.

To check out more of his work, head to his webpage or follow him on Instagram.

Images © Aleksandar Savić

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