The mission of Bulgarian Wine Marketer is to make wine culture accessible and fun for everyone. Created by wine lovers for wine lovers, the Wine Marketer team shares their knowledge and passion for the fermented drink by offering shared experiences for all wanting to learn. That’s why Wine Marketer came up with the idea of the Wine Journal – which is designed to inspire and encourage you to describe your impression and wine experiences freely. To rediscover precious memories, gain and gather valuable information, expand on your wine knowledge and tasting skills, as well as preserve important impressions of your favorite wines. All the while having fun and enjoying the experience.

It is a faithful guide to time, a special gift for a loved one. It is a brave guardian of the most intimate wine emotions and evaluations and a place to share your impressions and gain new knowledge and skills. It is a stylish way to go even deeper into the magical and endless world of wine.
“Wine is an art that everyone should, and can, easily reach. It is an infinitely fascinating world, accessible to both connoisseurs and the curious”, writes Marka Collective, who was given the opportunity to create a Wine Journal for Winemarketer, that is not just a tasting notebook. “It is a faithful guide to time, a special gift for a loved one. It is a brave guardian of the most intimate wine emotions and evaluations and a place to share your impressions and gain new knowledge and skills. It is a stylish way to go even deeper into the magical and endless world of wine.” Marka Collective, whose work we’ve previously featured here, is a Varna-based design agency focused on creating remarkable branding and packaging design concepts for businesses in various fields. You can follow more of the studio’s work on Instagram.
You can purchase your own Wine Journal here.

Art direction, packaging, graphic design, and photography © Marka Collective.