In 2014, Warsaw based design agency Redkroft came to the help of two beer geeks branding their own beer wholesale store. Back then, no one expected what was in the making – one of the most recognizable new wave breweries of Poland. Combining colorful, masterfully hand drawn illustrations with bold, contemporary typography, a conscious decision was made: it’s time for a new beer generation and it looks nothing like the old one! A Polish saying goes “coś z innej beczki”, which literally means “something from another barrel” and translates as “for something completely different”, became the brand name and slogan.
Redkroft discribes the project with heart warming words: “there are projects where there is no need for a brief – it is replaced by understanding and trust. Projects that, at the end of the day, yield more than just a presentation on a website: a good set of friends and a lot of fond memories. Projects that are like no other and Inne Beczki is one of them.”