Alright, Let Me Show You … How Illustration Is Done

Ever wondered what exactly goes into creating a design or an illustration? Looking for inspiration and guidance for your own work? As her Master thesis, Graz based designer Marion Kamper put together a book “Alright, let me show you” showcasing exactly that, in a beautiful, pleasantly bundled and clearly arranged way. As her master thesis, Kamper documented the process she goes through when working on graphic and illustration projects. As a result, a 176-page book was born, revealing in detail how she brings ideas into reality with the help of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and a range of analog items, all while explaining numerous tools, specific software options and topping things off with useful little tips. Covering basic information from different file formats to drawing techniques to more specific shortcuts and pro tips.

The book is structured into three parts, following the processes Kamper goes through when working. Part one contains analog work like sketching, tracing, as well as digital input devices and her work process when creating letterings. The second part digs into non-destructive workflows in Photoshop, file formats and color management. In the third part, she shows tools and work stages based on three specific illustration projects. The book is bilingual, written in German and English.

So to say, the book begins at step number two of the design process, as the first step: creative brainstorming and concept development is not covered. But who knows what the future hold, maybe Kamper will give us another glimpse into her creative head. We’d love to have a peek!

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Images © Marion Kamper

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