Zuzanna Rogatty’s Work is Wild, Weird, And Absolutely Wonderful

A graduate of Visual Communication studies from the University of Arts in Poznań – graphic designer and typography master Zuzanna Rogatty (previously here) has paved her way from Bydgoszcz Poland to New York City, now working at the world known Pentagram Studio in Natasha Jen’s team. Rogatty’s longtime passion towards the vintage neon signs and sign painting has helped her create a modern abstraction of the style, adding a contemporary twist with digital means.

Rogatty’s style of bold forms and bright colors adds unique character to her design, particularly within her typographic work where the designer transforms any old letterform into effortlessly flowing vector designs. Her work feels simultaneously wild yet extremely deliberate, without a line out of place. The sense of space and composition and out-of-box thinking enables her to create work that captures the viewer’s eye and helps them experience typography in a new and exciting way.

Rogatty is also a member of the Designers Foundry, a hand-picked international team of type designers. With seemingly having already achieved a lot, I believe we’re yet to see what Rogatty will accomplish in the future. Below you can see a selection of her latest work, but make sure to follow her on Instagram to experience more of her wild, weird and absolutely wonderful designs.

Series of murals designed for MIXD Interior Experience Design and an office interior project in Wrocław which is in progress.

12. Dwa Brzegi Festival Identity

36 Dys of Type

It’s Nice That x Dropbox collaborative Poster with Karan Singh

Images © Zuzanna Rogatty

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